Oceanographic data from the IOPAN long-term monitoring in Svalbard fjords (Horsund and Kongsfjorden)

Repeated oceanographic measurements in two Svalbard fjords: Hornsund (76°50’ - 77°10’N, 15-17°E) and Kongsfjorden (78°50’-79°05’N, 11-13°E) and adjacent shelf areas. Data collected from RV Oceania every summer along the standard sections under the IOPAN long-term monitoring program AREX and in Hornsund also from the small boat in spring and autumn (in some years). Duration: 1995 - ongoing.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Data will be soon available in the Oceanographic Data and Information System eCUDO.pl (data publication in process)
Principal Investigator Waldemar Walczowski
Data Curator Agnieszka Strzelewicz
Version 2.0
Last Updated May 4, 2022, 20:30 (UTC)
Created November 29, 2018, 22:04 (UTC)
Parameter name(s) {"profiles of ocean temperature, ocean salinity, ocean pressure, dissolved oxygen concentration",""}
Project/Program name(s) {"IOPAN fjord monitoring program",""}
Observing system name {"IOPAN fjord monitoring program",""}